face to face/ Advent with Fr. Mike Schmitz.

Yesterday was the The Solemnity of the Epiphany- Three Kings Day. When the Magi visited Jesus and also marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas. So, I thought it would be fitting to finally share my personal journey with Ascension Presents, Face to Face: Advent with Fr. Mike Schmitz.

I can’t begin to say how transforming those 25 days were for me and how they continue to follow me profoundly into the new year. The premise of the daily reflections were on ‘What if on Christmas Day you were to meet Christ Face to Face in death. I will be honest it was a uncomfortable thought, but Fr. Mike’s daily guidance created a deep level of trust. Allowing me to sit in a space I had already had visited, when I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve replacement back in 2017. After struggling unknowingly for years after a rare bout of rheumatic fever at the age of fifteen. I had walked that death walk with my diagnosis and the waiting for Open Heart Surgery. At the time it was terrifying to prepare for the reality of death and now only this last Advent do I finally comprehend completely what I experienced and so grateful that I was able to revisit this profound life lesson with new eyes. Fr. Mike touched on so many of my worries and anxieties that I still carried and to finally find the answers after eight years ago was such a gift. A epic reminder that the Lord does hear our hearts and answers us in His divine timing.

This Face to Face day’s also granted me ‘a first time’ experience of the authentic meaning of the Advent beyond the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season. I spent my early mornings with pen and paper in prayer and reflection savoring the He and I moments with Jesus. Again what a gift.

I just wanted to share a glimpse into this experience at the hopes that it might reach someone for next Advent season and even today. To know you are loved beyond human comprehension by Christ and he calls to you everyday to meet him Face to Face.

Love, Cynthia


The Rosary in a year.


Jackie (2016).