Jackie (2016).

Source: Jackie (2016) 20th Century Studios.

Yesterday was the Anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s State Funeral. It came up on my news feed and thought instantly of re-watching this beautifully poignant film. I first saw ‘Jackie’ when it came out back in 2016 coinciding with the first year I lived in Minneapolis. My neighbor and friend Robert encouraged me to venture out off our street of Oak Grove to watch it at the Iconic Uptown Theater for my Birthday. It ended up being such a great little solo celebratory adventure and the theater experience (with movie popcorn and a box of Junior Mints included), so reminded me of my cherished childhood memories of watching films at my Mom’s Sauk Centre, Minn. hometown classic Main Street Theater.

Last night I ended up buying it on Apple+ TV , so I can re-reference it like all my Jackie books. This second viewing, I noticed so many new layers of depth to her story and Portman’s portrayal was spectacular. I could feel the pain and anguish of those first days of grief from the screen. Trying to make sense of the horror and loss while beginning to embrace the legacy of life she had shared intimately with the slain President. Asking all the questions, demanding the answers she might never get and carving the beginnings of a new life without him.

The movie definitely renewed my enduring fascination with Jackie. This morning I scoured google for my old “catalogue” of articles and wanted to collect them here for future reference. Including my favorite books as well. I hope you enjoy them too.

The Interview:

The Interview between Mrs. Kennedy and Life Journalist Theodore H. White portrayed in the Movie took place at Hyannis Port in November the 29th of 1963.

The Set Design:

  • SDSA (Set decorators society of America) Film Decor Jackie. (2016)

  • Architectural Digest How a Designer Re-created Camelot for the New Movie Jackie. (2016)

  • House & Garden Recreating Jackie's White House. (2016)

  • Medium Jackie by Tania Sinel. This one is really great comprehensive deep dive if you can get past the writer’s opinions at times:) (2017)

The Costume Design:

  • Fashion & Costume Jackie with Costume Designer Madeline Fontaine and Kinvara Balfour. (2017)

  • Vanity Fair Take a Peek Inside Jackie Kennedy’s Closet.

The Books:

Thank you for coming along as I indulge history.

Love, Cynthia


face to face/ Advent with Fr. Mike Schmitz.


Bible in a year/ Egypt and Exodus.