Bible in a year/ Egypt and Exodus.
I am currently in the Time Period of the Desert Wanderings, Day 70 to be exact and never imagined I would get this far. Egypt and the Exodus was many of the stories of Moses I was familiar with from Childhood. My Mother often read to me at bedtime from my little green bible. She was a great storyteller and would bring the pages alive with her melodic voice. But, hearing the stories again daily from Father Mike Schmitz has had such an enduring quality and his depth of knowledge is so helpful to unpack all the things I don’t understand or my modern brain has resistance to often. Seriously what a gift his narrative has been. A reminder to truly understand this current world, is to understand salvation history better. We as humans have not changed much, just our outside distractions that often seem louder than our interior connection to our life-giving source- God.
Things along the way:
The Ascension App: It truly is all you need and the Bible of course. I did buy the companion book, but all the info is in the App. The app has a transcript of each day, so I can read along or go back to revisit if need be. I did download the reading plan to check off my progress. I am currently creating a planner and have included a small place for Bible in a Year. I can’t wait to share it for free download.
* Here is a direct link to download the ASCENSION APP.
When I listen: I started out doing it on my drive to work and often now I listen to it before I go to bed. I find in the car is more impactful, yet I love winding down to it as well. Though I find myself having to relisten often because I fall asleep. But, as Father Mike says no way is wrong and if you do miss a day or two… it’s all good. Just keep up with it. It’s definitely a great spiritual companion to the everyday.
Calm in Chaos: This is a profound side effect. To see that humanity has not changed much and God’s love is eternal. There is still so much noise and division in our world. It definitely has helped me step back and realize this is not new. Their is a calm around me now that I have not felt in a long time where faith lives instead of the outside influence of warring popular opinions.
Until the next time period…
Blessings, Cynthia