The Rosary in a year.

“The Rosary has accompanied me in moments of joy and in moments of difficulty. To it I have entrusted any number of concerns; in it I have always found comfort.” - Pope John II.

Dear Friends,

Last Fall I had begun a faith journey I never imagined. Most of it has been in the quiet of my heart and slowly I have been trying to find the words to share it. I know my posts reach very little if anyone as if in some ways I cherish that. The Hidden life of Faith, a sacred place away from the outside world’s noise. But, this is too good and precious not to share with others about the transforming-comforting love of Our Blessed Mother Mary that pours out from praying the Most Holy Rosary.

As I mentioned above, last fall was a pivotal moment in my faith story, which all began with Hallows APP 21-day prayer challenge- Witness of Hope that focuses on the Life of St. Pope John Paul II that was inspired by the highly acclaimed Biography of the same name.

This prayful walk with JP II’s life opened the floodgates of my faith. Remembering my childhood love of him as The Pope and his profound impact even in my little life. I always loved his approach to Artists and his beautiful encyclical, Letters to Artists, (April 4, 1999). A reminder that we are all created in the image of God and so is our creative gifts lovingly bestowed on us by the Ultimate Creator-God. Where those creative gifts can be used to bring others to him through the New Evangelization.

So, I prayed a little prayer for his intercession in how I could use my own creativity better and I was surprisingly answered with a series of surprising sparks of inspiration. HERE is the full blog story.

But, like most answered prayers they come in God’s timing, not ours. Often impatiently waiting as I eventually put the Ave Maria Tee on the shelf after only sharing Her with only family and friends.

Then Ascension Present’s The Rosary in a Year (with Father Mark-Mary Ames) Podcast began this January 1st and the prayerful delay made more sense as I listen and take notes daily. It is now deepening my Love of the Rosary in such a intense way. It is like going to The School of Jesus through Mary. Beautiful. Beautiful.

And I want to so give back…

So, I have decided to donate half of the Sale Proceeds of the Ave Maria Tee ( minus production cost and shipping) to Ascension Press Support and Fr. Mark-Mary’s Franciscan Friars of Renewal. I know Ascension Presents has personally over the years reached my faith in ways when I needed it most and Fr. Mark-Mary recent teachings have been such a spiritual gift to me and I so want others to share in it as well.

Above I did a mini-Catholic Style edit, showcasing the Ascension Press’s The Rosary in a Year Prayer Guide and the Rosary in a Year Rosary.

The Ave Maria Tee will be offered in two styles, The Rosary in a Year edition and the original design inspired by St. Louis De Monfort’s consecration to Mary devotion. They are now in Pre-order status so I can do a bulk order to donate as much as I can and figure out how to share it better. They will eventually ship out in May- Month of Mary of course.

Thank you for your support and I will be doing updates the closer it gets to May.

Blessings, Cynthia

Mother Mary, Pray for us.


face to face/ Advent with Fr. Mike Schmitz.