The Catholic Edit: Ma Mère edition.
Twelve years ago today on All Hallows Eve, my Mother had her funeral Mass and burial. It just feels like yesterday or a million years ago all in one… a strange timelessness that grief often creates for us. That day was a blur, I remember only bits and pieces. I was in auto pilot mode, greeting others the best that I could. Just sitting with their grief and waiting on mine until a later date. She was loved by so many and I couldn’t help soaking it in because I knew once the funeral was over. I would be alone with it all. The things I do remember was my dear Step-Father, a great man who himself was battling cancer in hospice valiantly going through this painful moment. The sea of people that loved both of them. One of my dear best friend’s Adam standing by my side in the receiving line. Closing the casket and receiving her rosary that had been her constant companion in prayer for my whole life, My soon to be ex-husband arriving to honor her and despite the conflict of faith, he without being prompted helped carry her casket with all the beloved boys she loved. Waiting at the cemetery until her burial was complete.
This is the first time I have ever written about this and I am now in a place where I can. I am filled with such love and gratitude for her. She gave me the greatest gifts, Life, a profound legacy of Faith and a deep devotion to Mother Mary.
The weeks prior to her death, I made her a promise that once she was gone. I would consecrate myself to Mary. I remember saying to her, “You will always be my Mother, I don’t want anyone but you.” She explained that of course, she would be my Mother always, but Mother Mary’s love surpasses any human love and her care through the intercession of her Beloved Son would transform my heart.
A year later, I did just that with the spiritual promptings of my dear friends Sheila and Father Shawn at our local parish. A reminder that our Mother’s know us best and the spiritual gifts have been countless. Helping me weather so many trials with love and comfort. It was not easy and I made so many mistakes, but the Grace of Our Lady’s love follows me as with my own earthly Mothers Prayers.
So, in deep and joyful love, I created this last Ave Maria Tee in memory of my dear sweet Momma, a deep blue overlay of the image of Our Lady combined with decorative vintage title type in golden yellow.
The Catholic Edit: Ma Mère edition
The Ave Maria Tee in White Blend.
Chinoiserie Imitation Pearl Drop Earrings (Ettika): I actually got these in honor of my mom. She loved fashion and finding the perfect little accessories for every outfit. These classic little ladylike earrings our perfect for dressing up this little edit.
The Catholic Journaling Bible (Blessed is She and Our Sunday Visitor): Growing up my Mother read the bible to me often and brought the Salvation stories alive with her great storytelling and wisdom. This is one of my favorite bibles, a place to take notes. I also love the online community of Blessed is She, their community has been such a integral part of my faith journey since her passing.
Tweed Buckle Flat (Ann Mashburn): Love these Raffia Textured Tweed shoes that actually matched my Mother’s bedroom chair where she often prayed the rosary. I still have the chair, but the shoes would be too narrow for me.
Pieta Prayer Booklet (St. Patrick’s Guild): This is the closest copy to the original of my Mothers that I still have. She used it daily and this version has been updated perfectly.
Our Mary’s Rosary (House of Joppa) I love it’s simplicity and how it has the Saint Pope John Paul II crucifix, whom my Mother had a great devotion to in her life.
Thank you for coming along on this heartfelt post and supporting the creation of the Ave Maria Tee. It has deepened my faith in so many beautiful ways. Please know I am praying for you.
Love, Cynthia
Mother Mary, Pray for Us.